The best instructions are those that are clear and easy-to-follow. Avoid miscommunications by having TranslationPal translate your manuals and user guides into English.
Our professional translators can handle any type of manual, from operation and maintenance manuals to policy and procedure documentation, from tutorials to employee handbooks.
First, our professional translation team will translate your manual or user guide into English, and then our expert proofreaders will revise the translation for accuracy and clarity, as well as to ensure that it uses consistent terminology and language throughout.
We support: Spanish, German, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Japanese, view all
We Translate:
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of files do you accept for translation?
We accept the following file types: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), PDF (.pdf), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx), Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx), and HTML.
Who are your translators and proofreaders?
Our translators and proofreaders are experienced professionals who are highly proficient in their source language(s), and who are native English speakers. Many of them hold or are pursuing Master's degrees or Ph.Ds in related areas of study, such as translation, comparative literature, or English.
"Super helpful! My certificate was translated into English accurately and delivered back on time."
Tyler Kerr"This was a difficult translation with complex language. The English quality came back strong. I will use you again for Spanish translation projects."
Jose GonzalezWe support: Spanish, German, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Japanese, view all

"This was a difficult translation with complex language. The English quality came back strong. I will use you again for Spanish translation projects."
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